A Dose of Inspiration - Part 4
Inspiration comes in all kinds of different ways. I've written about three runners who inspire me and hopefully will inspire you. Today I want to talk about inspiration from the spectators at a marathon. They provide us with much needed inspiration during the race. Be it the signs, the cheering, or the calling out of our names they are a big part of what gets us to the finish line. Let me give you a personal example. Towards the end of the race just outside Central Park with about 1/2 mile to the finish line I was completely out of gas; not even fumes. I was running (if you can call it that) on an injured ankle and it was killing me. There was a group of spectators cheering me on. Somehow they gave me a shot of adrenaline and I was able to sprint past while high fiving them. To this day I don't know how I did it! But let me tell you about Emily Litman. The NYC marathon crosses five bridges. The start is the Verrazano. Then there are: The Pulaski, Queensborough, Willis Avenue, ...