Children and Sugar
Children and Sugar
In my previous articles I talked about healthy eating and
exercise. My primary focus was adults. But today I want to talk about our
children. The childhood incidence of obesity and type 2 diabetes is on the
rise. In most cases this is a direct result of eating the wrong foods and
overeating. The easy availability of junk food, sugar sodas, and prepared foods
is widespread. Adults are not the only ones who should cut down on their
vitamin K (kugel, knishes, karnatzel, kidush club, kishkeh, etc). Children are
bound by the same 75% rule as adults. That is, one only needs 75% of what is
eaten as the Rambam rules. And children need to exercise. I see so many
children using electric scooters these days, most without helmets.
Recently I was in a grocery store here in Montreal. I was
walking through the junk aisle. What was Shmarya doing on the junk aisle?
Didn’t he read the articles he wrote? Well, grocery stores lay out their products
in a very clever way. There is a reason the sale items and staples like milk
and eggs are at the back of the store. They want you to walk through the aisles.
And the junk aisles are right there in the middle. And that’s why the impulse
items are near the cash. What’s wrong
with a quick chocolate bar while I’m waiting in line?
I saw a father with his two children. They looked to be
about 8 or 9. Let’s just say that they looked very well nourished. They were
shovelling junk into the cart at a very fast rate. At the checkout counter I
saw their full cart and noticed that most of what was there could not be
classified as food.
Last summer I went to visit my grandson in camp. I saw
something that probably replayed itself in many other camps. The “canteen scene”.
I’m not talking about the hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries, knishes etc.
There was enough of that consumed on visiting day to feed an army. I’m talking
about sports drinks. It looked like they were outselling the regular sugar
sodas and drinks. Sports drinks manufacturers do a great marketing job. They
convince you of two things. One, that somehow because athletes drink them, they
are healthy, and two, that if you drink them, you are an athlete. Did you know
that a 20-ounce bottle of a very popular sports drink contains 34 grams of
sugar. And that a 12 ounce can of cola contains 39 grams of sugar. Yes, the
sports drink contains less sugar. Granted. But the daily recommended maximum
for sugar intake are 36 grams for men and 25 grams for women. For children it
is 25 grams. So, two sports drinks alone have more than twice the sugar than
the daily recommendation for children. And that’s not counting all the other
sources of sugar that are consumed during the day. Then there are the sports
drinks with zero sugar. Instead, they use sucralose. Don’t even get me started
on that chemical.
I did an informal survey in 6 running groups I belong to. I
also polled some elite runners. 98% do
not use sports drinks when running. Too much sugar is the main reason. It gives
you an immediate high followed by an immediate low and it negatively impacts
performance. The sports drink manufacturers tell you that their drink is for athletes,
yet most athletes don’t use them,
You may be thinking that the children are very active in
camp, and they need the sports drink to replace the carbs and electrolytes that
they are losing. They don’t. They are getting all they need in their regular
meals. I am a distance runner. I run marathons. Running a marathon, I expend
more energy than what your children will expend in three days at camp. To keep
hydrated I take water and electrolytes capsules. I don’t need the sugar drink. Your child does
not need it either! And based on my research most distance runners do the same
as me.
I’ve only touched on sugar intake. What about salt? The
recommended amount of sodium per day is 2300 milligrams. Did you know that one
popular instant soup has 1220 milligrams of sodium?
So, what can we do to stem this seemingly unstoppable tide? Adults
need to start leading a healthier lifestyle. This means eating better and
exercising. This would show a living example to our children. And start reading
labels. I suggested cutting down on sugar sodas. Here’s an alternative. Buy
seltzer and add a bit of fruit juice to it. Voila, a tasty drink. You send
snacks to school. I know of a Beis Rivkah teacher here in Montreal who instituted
a rule that of the 2 snacks sent to school one of them must be healthy. Maybe
the schools should establish a rule like this. It’s very hard for a child to
come to school with healthy snacks when all their friends are not doing the
same. Peer pressure is very hard to resist. If the school had a rule, it would
be much easier. The schools have managed to become peanut free, why can’t they
do something about unhealthy snacks?
Camp season is around the corner. It would be a good idea
for camps to mandate that the canteen does not sell sugar sodas or sports
drinks. There are plenty of flavored seltzers around that have no sugar in them.
And why not sell good old-fashioned water?
It may be difficult for the campers at the beginning, but I firmly
believe that after a week they will be happy with the change. Camps will be doing a huge favor to the
campers and to their parents.
And lastly get out there and do some exercise. Walk, bike,
run, swim, whatever gets your heart pumping.
Have a healthy and happy summer!
If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail me at
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