My First Marathon

Here is something I wrote after completing my first marathon on June 3,2018.

Power walked for over 20 years.
Never intended to run a marathon.
Couldn't run to the end of the block.
Wanted to mix a little running with my power walking. Started.
Running 1K without stopping was the goal.
That little voice inside my head said no you can't.
Took a while but I did it.
Then it was 2K and then 3K.
I never intended to run a marathon.
Kept adding a little bit more each week.
Weeks turned to months, I reached 5K.
Wonder if I can do 10K.
The little voice said no you can't.
Did 6, 7, 8, 9, and then 10K. I was happy with that.
I never intended to run a marathon.
Did 8 miles and then 10. Decided to try a half.
The little voice said no you can't. Did it.
Did lots more half's. Most with 1300 foot climbs.
One Sunday I decided to try a 16 miler.
Let's see what happens, I said to myself.
The little voice said no you can't. Did it.
One day I saw a runner with 42.2 on his jersey.
Told myself I can do that.
The little voice said you are 60 he is 30, no you can't.
That's when I told the little voice to shut up.
It didn't listen.
Ran and ran and ran and ran some more. 16, 18, 20 milers.
Compression, pronation, hydration, elevation, motivation, nutrition, exhaustion.
Exhilaration and Inspiration.
Its 3 weeks before the marathon.
20 miles on the mountain was my next goal. 2000 feet total climb.
The little voice said no you can't. Did it.
My last long run.
I see a runner wearing a finisher’s jersey.
I will be wearing one of those in 2 weeks I think to myself.
The little voice says. I don't think so.
My last short run before the big one; used my original route.
Memories flood back.
Realized how far I have come.
No more blood pressure medication, no more acid reflux. Down 60 pounds.
June 3, 2018. Laval Quebec. The day has arrived.
Beautiful perfect running weather.
7 AM.
I'm at the starting line. The little voice is strangely silent.
Here we go!
KM5, KM10, KM15, KM20, KM25 so far so good.
KM32, I am in uncharted territory. 10K to go.
My hip is sore. The little voice is back. Stronger. It says stop. I walk a little.
KM37, KM38, left calf is cramping. I walk some more.
The little voice is yelling at me; you did enough; no shame in stopping.
I soldier on.
KM40, is this really happening? Emotions are high.
KM41, 1.2K to go. Am I really here?
The turn to KM42.2, the finish line in sight. Unbelievable. Incredible.
I hear cheering.
I cross the finish line....and the little voice did it....well done....I always knew you could, you are a marathoner.
I have no words......
Maybe all along I really did intend to run a marathon.
The medal is hanging on my wall.
I look at it every day to convince myself that I actually did it.
Sometimes I run wearing my race shirt.
It says 42.2 on it.
I hope someone sees it and says to themselves "I can do that"
And does it.


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