
Showing posts from July, 2022

Let’s talk Exercise

By now you are eating less vitamin K and have cut down on your portion size. Apparently knish sales are down 50%. So now, let’s talk about the other component of a healthier lifestyle. The Rambam says in Hilchos Deos (4:2) that it is incumbent upon us to do some sort of sweat inducing exercise in the morning. I call it sweat shel Mitzvah! Did you know that exercise is the best doctor? Or, that exercise helps you lose weight? Yes, it’s only about 15% of the equation but the positive energy and discipline you get from exercise helps you on your journey. Or maybe you don’t need to lose weight. Exercise is a must for everyone. First let’s address the number one excuse that people provide when told to exercise. “I don’t have time” It’s true. I’m not going to argue with you. We have families, responsibilities, jobs etc. It’s a fast-paced world we live in and it’s hard to juggle all of it. And now Shmarya is going to tell me to spend 30 minutes a day exercising!!   Really!   A ...

There is an epidemic that no one is talking about

There is an epidemic that no one is talking about. It's more contagious than covid. It’s more contagious because we get it from ourselves. Type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart problems, high blood pressure, strokes, and all kinds of other issues. It’s caused by unhealthy eating and lack of exercise. Just look at pictures of weddings, l’chaims, dinners, on this web site and you’ll see what I am talking about. You’re at a wedding. You grab some finger food at the smorgasbord. If you’re like me 7 years ago you go to the women’s side because that’s where the good stuff is. You are careful. Maybe you only have 3 or 4 small portions. Or you use one of those small plates and feel good about yourself because you’re not eating that much. Then you go to the chuppah. Maybe you had to walk from Oholei Torah to 770 and back. Hey, it’s strenuous. You are expending calories. Then you go to the ballroom. You wash. After all, it’s a seudas mitzvah. You eat a roll or two and then you have the entrée. Usu...